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About me
Recently, I interned at Sony AI. Before that, I was a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, where I did my PhD under the supervision of Caterina De Bacco. My PhD was supported by the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems. I obtained my Master's in Mathematical Engineering at the University of Padova. There, I also got my Bachelor's in Physics.
My research focuses on complex systems. I am particularly passionate about researching society, technological infrastructures, and their interaction, with the goal of guiding policymakers toward equitable development. In this domain, I have spent some years studying urban mobility [Phys. Rev. Lett. (2023), J. R. Soc. Interface (2025)]. I am also very interested in Bayesian inference and generative models [J. Stat. Mech. (2024)], and have been working in industry on explainable machine learning for scientific discovery. While I truly like technical work involving mathematical modeling, I believe empirical observations should always drive research. Therefore, I always put data first, whether for training algorithms, analyzing and interpreting their hidden patterns, or establishing complex optimization problems I then enjoy solving. If you would like to know more, you can see my publications, talks, and codes or drop me a message.
- Jan 31, 2025: I finished my internship at Sony AI, where I contributed to Sony's flagship project on scientific hypothesis generation.
- Jul 1, 2024: I am joining Sony AI in Barcelona.
- May 1, 2024: A new preprint Cohesive urban bicycle infrastructure design through optimal transport routing in multilayer networks is on the arXiv.
- Apr 26, 2024: I defended my PhD thesis!
- Apr 24, 2024: Our paper Message-Passing on Hypergraphs: Detectability, Phase Transitions, and Higher-Order Information is in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. Here a tl;dr summary of the paper.
- Apr 6, 2024: I gave the talk Bilevel optimization for traffic mitigation in optimal transport networks, at the Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization of the Mathematical Optimization for Data Science Group at Saarbrücken University, Germany.
- Dec 26, 2023: Our paper Bilevel Optimization for Traffic Mitigation in Optimal Transport Networks is in Physical Review Letters!
- Show older news
- Dec 1, 2023: A new preprint is online: Message-Passing on Hypergraphs: Detectability, Phase Transitions, and Higher-Order Information. As a symbolic compensation for the emissions generated by our numerical experiments, Nick and I planted a Hyper Mango 🥭.
- Oct 9, 2023: I do not use Twitter anymore. My social media profile is now @alonardi on LinkedIn.
- Jun 28, 2023: A new preprint is online: Bilevel Optimization for Traffic Mitigation in Optimal Transport Networks.
- Jul, 2023: Two talks at Netsci 2023: Infrastructure adaptation and emergence of loops in network routing with time-dependent loads and Bilevel optimization for flow control in optimal transport networks.
- Mar 9, 2023: I gave a talk for the NetPLACE Seminars series.
- Feb 3, 2023: Our work Infrastructure adaptation and emergence of loops in network routing with time-dependent loads is in Physical Review E!
- Jan 20, 2023: Our work Immiscible Color Flows in Optimal Transport Networks for Image Classification is in Frontiers in Physics! As a symbolic compensation for the emissions generated by our numerical experiments, Diego and I planted a cocoa tree 🌿.
- May 6, 2022: Our work Multicommodity routing optimization for engineering networks is in Scientific Reports!
- May 4, 2022: A new preprint is online: Immiscible Color Flows in Optimal Transport Networks for Image Classification.
- Dec 21, 2021: A new preprint is online: Infrastructure adaptation and emergence of loops in network routing with time-dependent loads.
- Oct 13, 2021 - Feb 11, 2022: I am a teaching assistant for the course of Advanced Probabilistic Machine Learning and Applications (2022), at University of Tübingen.
- Oct 4, 2021: Our work Designing optimal networks for multicommodity transport problem is in Physical Review Research!
- Jul 14, 2021: Our work Optimal Transport in Multilayer Networks for Traffic Flow Optimization has just been published.
- Apr 19, 2021 - July 31, 2021: I was a teaching assistant for the course Advanced Probabilistic Machine Learning and Applications (2021), at University of Tübingen.
- Feb 12, 2021: I joined the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems!