Alessandro Lonardi


Resarch Intern
Sony AI
Avda. del Portal de l'Àngel, 40, Ciutat Vella, 08002 Bacelona, Spain

(3 pages, following DORA)

I am Alessandro Lonardi, a Research Intern at Sony AI in Barcelona, Spain. Before that, I was a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Germany. I did my PhD under the supervision of Caterina De Bacco in the Physics for Inference and Optimization group. My PhD was supported by the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS), which is part of the Cyber Valley initiative. I obtained my Master’s in Mathematical Engineering at the University of Padova in Padua, Italy. There, I also got my Bachelor’s in Physics.


My research focuses on modeling complex systems, with a strong interest in statistical inference, generative models, and optimization methods. I like working at the interface between physics and computer science by developing mathematical models inspired by statistical physics and implementing them in robust, scalable algorithms. I truly enjoy technical work, but I believe that empirical observations should always drive scientific inquiry. The applications that interest me most lie within machine learning for science, where inferential predictions and mechanistic models can mutually inform each other.

Through my research and professional efforts, I aim to contribute to creating a fairer and more just world. One way to achieve this goal that matters to me is integrating science into policymaking to develop sustainable and equitable societies and cities where cohesive social ties prevail. As a scientist, I am also responsible for emphasizing that climate change is human-made and dangerous and taking action against it.

Some technical keywords, in no particular order: Statistical Physics, Complex Systems, Machine Learning, Statistical Inference, Generative Models, Optimal Transport, Belief Propagation, Knowledge Graphs, XAI.


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Last updated in September 2024.